The persons living with disabilities held this year's celebrations on the 3rd of December 2022. We celebrated it with happiness and smiles at Joska town, Machakos county, where XXX hosted the day's celebration. Afro Blak Productions, the events co-partners, showcased new upcoming PWDs talents and entertained the enthusiastic gathered crowd with their play performance "Ubuntu - Kimya Kimya" written and directed by Abubakar Mwenda.
The 30-minute play highlights the exploitation and injustices that people living with disability daily undergo at their workplaces, learning institutions, and public service delivery offices. The play "Ubuntu-Kimya Kimya" also highlights the importance and benefits of PWDs registering for the new-generation disability cards, by the state's corporation the National Council for Persons with Disability. Major benefits that registered PWDs members receive include, Legal advisory services, job placement, disability mainstreaming, an Albinism support program, and cash transfers for PWDS.
The other climax of the event was the distribution of goodies that several companies and organizations had donated. The event was a true show physically and spirit that sharing is caring. Hoyeee to everyone for gracing the occasion. Shukran and bless you.